Business Hub

Copy / Import Masters from "Excel"

This chapter covers

  • Importance Copying Masters from Excel
  • How to Import Master data to your Software

Importance of Copying Masters from Excel

While operating any software, Businessman look for such facilities which will reduce his work load and save his time. Data Import is an important tool. Data import makes it easy and fast to add your information if you have been working with other software before, such as Word or Excel. You can import all your Master records to your software in a easy way. Balance-Biz Software helps to upload your spreadsheets to import all the data into your software.

How to Import data to your software

You can import all your Master data into the software and make your Business easy.

If you import at least customer and product data, this allows you to start creating invoices , without having to go through and save each customers data after typing out their details in a new invoice. But how does it work, exactly?

Q. How will you Import your Customer data ?

  1. To upload information about your customers, you just have to copy all your records from your Excel format and then you just have to paste these records in "List" of all Accounts. to paste these records you have " Paste records " separate option given.
  2. To import your data from excel to our software, only condition is you have to just match format of columns of your data records to the columns to the format of Balance-Biz software. the format is shown below.
  3. you just have to copy your records of customer from your excel sheet and "paste records" here in this window, also you can just modify your entries over here. after pasting or modifying these entries here, you have save and these all entries will be saved in your software.
  4. it is really time saving for your Business.
  5. It contains all of the important details:
  • Customer name
  • Account Group
  • Area
  • Opening Balance
  • Dr/Cr
  • Detailed Address
  • Phone
  • Mobile No. etc


Q. How will you import your other Accounts Data ?

  • It is exactly same as we imported Customers data , you can import your all other accounts recordsin this way. ( information of your Suppliers and other Accounts )
  • of course, it is not necessary to fill in every field. If you don ´t have that info for any of your account or it´s not applicable, just leave it blank.
  • Same like The customers data records, you have to upload all your Other Accounts information. first of all you will copy all the records from your spreadsheet and paste records in our software, all the records of All accounts will be imported by the system.

  • Q. How will you import Product/Services details ?

    Similar to All Accounts information, importing the details about your products is equally simple and straightforward.

    1. You have to just go to Goods (Items) master and open All items "List".
    2. After that, select all your product details from your Excel format, copy it and paste all the records with the help of "Paste records" option.
    3. After pasting all the records, you just need to save this and all your Product details will get imported into your software. A nearly identical process, just with different Product information. .
    4. It contains all of the important details:
    • Product/Service Name
    • Item Type
    • Unit
    • MRP
    • Maintain stock or not ?

    Just like the Accounts import, if your product/service does not have some of the information in the fields of the template, it´s is ok to leave these blank. The information that you do add will be read and imported by the system.

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